
Research Interests

Research Agenda

1. Surface Hydrology & Water Resources Management

Ongoing Projects & Publication(s):

  1. Water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model application for exploring the water deficit at the catchment level in Beijing - Published.
  2. Water transfer energy efficiency index for inter-basin water transfer projects - Published.
  3. Developing optimal reservoir rule curve for hydropower reservoir with an add-on water supply function using improved grey wolf optimizer - Published.
  4. Development of a water allocation estimation model for reservoirs utilizing rule curves: A case study of the Han River Basin - Published.
  5. Predicting flow regime alterations post-dam removal – Under second round of review by Applied Water Science.
  6. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting Flow Duration Curve in Ungauged Basins - Under first round of review by Journal of Hydrology.
  7. Enhancing flood control and water management efficiency - Manuscript under preparation.

2. Ecosystem Management

Ongoing Projects & Publication(s):

  1. Environmental planning and the evolution of inter-basin water transfers in the United States – Published.
  2. Evaluating environmental flows in the Central Valley under various management scenarios – Manuscript under preparation.

3. Climate Change

Ongoing Projects & Publication(s):

  1. Flood vulnerability assessment of an urban area: A case study in Seoul, South Korea – Published.
  2. Assessment of activating reservoir emergency storage in climate-change-fueled extreme drought – Published.
  3. Development of a reservoir operation model determining the pre-release strategy for flood events – Manuscript under preparation.
  4. Assessing uncertainty in water balance models: A machine learning approach under climate change scenarios – Manuscript under preparation.

4. Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Ongoing Projects & Publication(s):

  1. Groundwater level forecasting using machine learning: A case study of the Baekje Weir in Four Major Rivers Project, South Korea - Published.
  2. Application of machine learning-based energy use forecasting for inter-basin water transfer project – Published.
  3. Reservoir-based flood forecasting and warning using machine learning and deep learning techniques – Published.